Gentle dental cleanings in Tuscon

To keep your smile healthy, we recommend seeing our dentist in Tucson every three to six months for a checkup and cleaning.

Your preventative care appointment will help you intercept tooth and gum problems early, while they’re still reversible. Plus, we’ll clean and polish your teeth, giving you a fresh, blank slate to maintain until your next checkup.

When you schedule a dental checkup at Ventana Dental, your “cleaning” visit is an important time to:

  • Evaluate existing dental work

  • Measure gum attachment and bone levels

  • Discuss medical conditions that may affect your oral health

  • Clean away calcified deposits that can’t be brushed or flossed away

  • Discuss any questions or concerns you have

  • Screen for new areas of decay

  • Perform cosmetic and orthodontic evaluations

  • Customized oral hygiene advice for hard-to-clean areas

Regular checkups lower your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and help you keep your smile healthy for life!

Laser bacterial reduction

Safe soft-tissue laser technology allows us to boost your oral health during your checkup or deep cleaning appointment. Our laser uses state-of-the-art laser energy to destroy infectious bacteria and reduce gum swelling while protecting your healthy tissues.

We recommend laser bacterial reduction when there are symptoms of aggressive gingivitis or periodontal disease. Such as swollen gums, bleeding when you brush and floss, or gum pocketing. The comfortable treatment is typically performed during your periodontal treatments, alongside traditional scaling and root planing. This twofold approach ensures a healthier, cleaner environment around teeth, making them easier to maintain at home and statistically improving your recovery rate.

Professional fluoride treatments

Fluoride is a natural mineral that, like calcium, is crucial to strong bones and teeth. When used at specific levels, we can promote healthy enamel that’s more resistant to decay, and even reverse early signs of demineralization.

We recommend a professional fluoride treatment every six months for our at-risk patients (people who tend to get more cavities than others) of people with sensitive teeth.

Oral cancer screenings

Everyday risk factors like viruses, sun exposure, and habits like tobacco or alcohol use can increase your risk of developing oral cancer. This deadly and dangerous disease often goes overlooked until symptoms have reached aggressive stages.

To help save the lives of our patients, our Tucson dentist incorporates oral cancer screenings as part of every routine checkup. We provide traditional evaluations as well as advanced precancerous detection technology. If abnormal tissues are noted, we can conduct a biopsy for efficient diagnosis and early treatment.

Digital x-rays

High resolution imaging makes up an important part of your examination process. During your cleaning, we’ll likely take a set of bitewing X-rays or full mouth series of films. These baseline and intermittent images allow us to evaluate areas that aren’t visible during your clinical exam. Thanks to digital technology, getting dental X-rays taken is safer and faster than ever.

Do I have gum disease?

Periodontal (gum) disease is a common oral infection that causes bone and tooth loss. Symptoms often include problems like:

  • Swollen or red gums

  • Bleeding when you brush and floss

  • Halitosis (bad breath)

  • Receding gums

  • Spaces between teeth

  • Tooth mobility

  • Tartar buildup

Scheduling a regular cleaning with our Tucson dentist will help prevent gum disease from developing. But if it’s been a while since you saw a dentist last, we’ll want to screen for gum and bone deterioration during your next checkup.

Treating gum disease usually involves a series of deep cleanings in our Tucson practice. Sometimes grafting or locally-placed antibiotics are needed.

Contact us


5445 N Kolb Rd, Suite 205
Tucson, AZ 85750

Office Hours:

Tuesday 8-5
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 8-5
Friday 8-12